
Axl reader

It is possible to read Axl files and get the list of geometric objects contains in these files, using the function axlread.


Read an axl file and ouput the list of objets:


The function uses the table Axl.Reader::Dict{String,Function} to determine how to read the elements in the file. The functions needed to read an object of a given type "key" are defined as follows:

Reader["key"] = function(obj::EzXML.Node) ... end

If the element obj has a key type then the reader Reader[obj["type"]] is used, otherwise the reader Reader[nodename(obj)] is used.

Here is an example of objects saved in the file tmp.axl with the command @axlview and read with the function axlread.

s = sphere(point(0.,1.,0.), 0.5, color=Color(255,0,0))
c = cube(point(0.,0.,0.), 0.5, field=[Float64(i) for i in 1:8])
@axlview s,c
l = axlread("tmp.axl")

The list l contains a copy of the sphere s and of the mesh c.

Obj reader

Missing docstring.

Missing docstring for objread. Check Documenter's build log for details.